Frenotomy Details
Dr. Carter has over 10 years of experience in working with breastfeeding moms as well as Frenotomy/Frenectomy
corrections. She now performs releases of tongue and lip with the biolase laser. This is a simple
procedure done in office as part of a comprehensive feeding evaluation with pre and post procedure
assessment. We can release anterior and posterior tongue ties, as well as most upper lip ties (maxillary
labial frenum). Before scheduling a frenotomy, please check with your insurance to verify coverage. The
following codes will be useful:
• Procedure (CPT) code for tongue tie release: 41010
• Procedure (CPT) code for lip tie release: 40819
• Diagnosis code ICD10: Q38.1 (tongue tie) and/or ICD10: Q38.0 (lip tie)
• IEHP covers with prior authorization
PROCEDURE'S COST, if not covered by your insurance:
$200.00 for Consult
$300.00 for Lingual
$300.00 for Labial Maxillary
$500.00 for Both
$125 for Procedure Follow Up Appointment
Both ties - $825
One tie - $625
IMPORTANT: No-shows and cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will result in a $100 charge.
Before your visit:
• Confirm insurance benefits. If we bill your insurance, but your insurance does not cover the
procedure, or does not cover Dr. Carter, you may be billed the entire cost of the visit directly.
• Collect your baby’s weight: including birth weight, hospital discharge weight, most recent
weight, and the dates they were measured.
Day of visit:
• Arrive 10-15 minutes before your appointment time to fill out any remaining forms and have
your insurance and ID card.
• Baby must eat after the procedure, so please bring whatever your baby currently uses to eat.
Please bring to the visit
• If you are breastfeeding, please bring whatever you use for breastfeeding, including nipple
shields, SNS, etc.
• If you are bottle feeding, please bring bottles of expressed milk or formula
• The baby’s measurements you collected